hot pink and black stripes with marker font text, Mage Writes
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Nerd, lover of bright colors, life on Earth, and caring for plants and creatures.

I love making things. I'm the founder and systems architect of Bloom Network, a social and climate action network designed to scale up mass participation in regeneration. I'm our frontend web developer, financial architect, and UI/UX designer. Making Bloom as a business is the most beautiful, collaborative art project I could imagine! Please do check it out,

I also work as a project manager with, an autonomous collective of engineers, designers, and other web3 specialists. Broadly, I work at the intersection of DAOs/cooperatives, the arts, and finance innovation for grassroots regeneration work.

I trained for three years with Radical Women in San Francisco, who train women to be leaders in social movements. They teach decentralized leadership and foregrounding the voices of queer women of color, since those folks tend to be under multiple layers of brutalizing systems and have visibility on what needs to change for all people to be free.

This website is a home for my personal writings and art expression. Enjoy :)

To book a consulting session visit this page.
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transparent pink octopus in a liquid circuit box
made with math + rainbows
donate to my squad